What is work?

As I look for work in this new phase of my life, it is really important for me to understand, what is work? Why do we work? Is it simply to earn money to live? Or is it more? And I wonder how many people have actually thought about that question.

If I put aside the obvious: the need to afford to buy food, have a roof over my head, pay for health insurance, pay my taxes and transportation to get to and from work, I really wondered why do we work? Do we work for a cause? Do we work for an interest? Do we work because it is necessary as a biological survival need to have communication and connection with people?

I can only work if I have a bigger project, if there is something bigger. If there is a purpose. And I guess this is why I am very interested in climate action. Though I have kept my thoughts about it to myself and close family and friends, I am just so tired of all the B.S. and avoidance of the real issues that nobody wants to talk about, to admit. And I know we can do it better. And this is the question that drives me.